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April 18, 2024

General Anesthesia at the Dentist’s Office: Is It Right for You?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_moreno @ 1:06 am
Man in sweater asleep in dental chair

Most forms of sedation dentistry simply put you in a relaxed state, keeping your anxieties under control while allowing you to stay awake. However, some dentists offer general anesthesia, which keeps patients unconscious during their treatments. If general anesthesia is available at your dental practice, you might find yourself wondering whether it’s right for you. Below is a brief look at general anesthesia and what makes someone a good candidate for it.

How Does General Anesthesia Work?

General anesthesia involves the use of special medication that puts you to sleep. Said medication can be delivered through a face mask or an IV. While you’re under the effects of general anesthesia, you won’t experience any discomfort, and you won’t be aware of what’s going on around you. Your dental team will keep a close eye on you to make sure you stay safe while under the effects of general anesthesia. Once the medication wears off, you’ll likely find that you don’t remember anything about your procedure.

Who Is a Good Candidate for General Anesthesia?

General anesthesia is generally only recommended under very specific circumstances. It can potentially be a good fit for patients who:

  • Plan on having multiple procedures or one very lengthy procedure performed.
  • Have severe phobias that actively hurt their ability to have dental work performed.
  • Have special needs.
  • Have been unable to have vital treatments completed even with the use of oral conscious sedation, nitrous oxide sedation, or IV sedation.

It should be emphasized that general anesthesia is generally not used for basic dental services such as routine cleanings. It is typically reserved for more serious treatments. Your dentist will consider your circumstances very carefully before determining whether general anesthesia is appropriate.

There are specific situations that can affect your candidacy for general anesthesia. For example, it is not recommended for those who are pregnant or suspect they might be pregnant. Also, certain liver, kidney, lung, and heart conditions can affect how long it takes the medication to leave your body, meaning the dosage used will have to be adjusted. A thorough review of the current state of your health will need to be performed in order to confirm that general anesthesia is a safe option for you.

Depending on what kind of dental treatment you need, general anesthesia could help ensure that you’re able to get through the procedure without fear getting in the way. If you’re interested in learning more about general anesthesia and how it could benefit you, talk to your dentist.

About the Practice

At Moreno & Young Dental, we care about treating every patient with respect, dignity, and compassion. We want you to be able to get the care you need without dental anxiety getting in the way, which is why we offer general anesthesia along with nitrous oxide sedation, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation. To schedule a consultation at our office in Bellingham, visit our website or call (360) 676-0642.